It seems that we've all become the victims of the befuddlement draught! It must have been in our Pumpkin Juice morning of last. It seems that Professor Warick is not who he appears to be. Though he is quite handsome, and his handsomeness alone could be a possible disarming charm, it appears that he fooled us all! With the vote between Professor Rayner and Professor Warick coming to an end it appears that we might have possibly been made fools of because the apparent choice in the majority for a new DADA is in fact none other than a more mature and a more seasoned Lucius Whitmarsh, who as our DADA during the winter
term of last year!!!
Whitmarsh then:
Whitmarsh now:
Please wait for Wisteria to make formal introductions and then you can congratulate Whitmarsh on his . . . ah-hem - worthy assignment on her introductory post.
lol i'm confused!!?? i thought #3 was Kembell Warick, are you saying that that wasnt his real name but it is Whitmarsh???
Yes, m'dear. Do you feel the effects of the befuddlement draught also? Tricky Warlock, that Whitmarsh!
OMG! I can't believe he returned for more!
lol yes apparently i am feeling the effects of the befuddlement draught but it does make sense now thanks:D
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